‘Belgrade–Avala’ Topographic Map Sheet

Military Geographical Institute, Belgrade, from 1901 to 1950

Paper, full colour print; 47 × 60 cm; scale: 1:75,000; u. r.: sheet title in Cyrillic script: ‘BEOGRAD – AVALA’, map key and scale; l. l.: ‘Reproduktovano u Vojnom Geografskom Institutu. Beograd.’; round seal on reverse of map: ‘NEZAVISNA DRŽAVA HRVATSKA / MINISTARSTVO ORUŽANIH SNAGA / RATNI ARHIV’

Found in the Museum


Topographic map sheet entitled ‘Beograd – Avala’ depicting the local area of Belgrade and to the south, along the Danube river.

Sources / literature: first publication
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Croatian History Museum