Paper, full colour print; 49 × 76 cm; scale: 1:500,000, 1:750,000, 1:3,700,000; u. l.: ‘Zum II. Hauptstück der ‘Strategischen Übersicht des österr.-ungar. – russ. Kriegsschauplatzes’; upper middle on individual sheets: ‘BODENGESTALTUNG, GANGBARKEIT, HINDERNISSE.’, ‘BODENKRUSTE, KOMMUNIKATIONEN, BEFESTIGUNGEN’, ‘DIE DONAU / von Bazias bis zur Mündung.’, ‘DAS SCHWARZE MEER.’, ‘BOSPORUS BEFESTIGUNGEN.’; u. r. on individual sheets: ‘Beilage 1.’, ‘Beilage 2.’, ‘Beilage 3.’, ‘Beilage 4.’, oval stamp: ‘K.u.K. GENERALSTAB / LANDESBESCHREIBUNGS ARCHIV’; note along lower margin on individual sheets: ‘Die offizielle Ortsnamen-Schreibweise in Ungarn konnte aus technischen Gründen nich mehr durchgefuhrt werden.’; l. r. on individual sheets – map key and year ‘1904’
Found in the Museum
HPM/PMH-24824 – HPM/PMH-24826
Overview map sheets depicting the military-strategic area of the then Austro-Hungarian-Russian border, with parts of Russia and Romania and the whole Black Sea coast with the Bosporus. Individual map sheets are marked with the geological characteristics of the ground, the course of the river Danube from Báziás to its mouth, traffic links, and the military infrastructure. Relief forms on the sheets are depicted using the hypsometric colour scale.
Overview map sheets depicting the military-strategic area of the then Austro-Hungarian-Russian border, with parts of Russia and Romania and the whole Black Sea coast with the Bosporus. Individual map sheets are marked with the geological characteristics of the ground, the course of the river Danube from Báziás to its mouth, traffic links, and the military infrastructure. Relief forms on the sheets are depicted using the hypsometric colour scale.
Overview map sheets depicting the military-strategic area of the then Austro-Hungarian-Russian border, with parts of Russia and Romania and the whole Black Sea coast with the Bosporus. Individual map sheets are marked with the geological characteristics of the ground, the course of the river Danube from Báziás to its mouth, traffic links, and the military infrastructure. Relief forms on the sheets are depicted using the hypsometric colour scale.
Overview map sheets depicting the military-strategic area of the then Austro-Hungarian-Russian border, with parts of Russia and Romania and the whole Black Sea coast with the Bosporus. Individual map sheets are marked with the geological characteristics of the ground, the course of the river Danube from Báziás to its mouth, traffic links, and the military infrastructure. Relief forms on the sheets are depicted using the hypsometric colour scale.
Overview map sheets depicting the military-strategic area of the then Austro-Hungarian-Russian border, with parts of Russia and Romania and the whole Black Sea coast with the Bosporus. Individual map sheets are marked with the geological characteristics of the ground, the course of the river Danube from Báziás to its mouth, traffic links, and the military infrastructure. Relief forms on the sheets are depicted using the hypsometric colour scale.
Overview map sheets depicting the military-strategic area of the then Austro-Hungarian-Russian border, with parts of Russia and Romania and the whole Black Sea coast with the Bosporus. Individual map sheets are marked with the geological characteristics of the ground, the course of the river Danube from Báziás to its mouth, traffic links, and the military infrastructure. Relief forms on the sheets are depicted using the hypsometric colour scale.
Overview map sheets depicting the military-strategic area of the then Austro-Hungarian-Russian border, with parts of Russia and Romania and the whole Black Sea coast with the Bosporus. Individual map sheets are marked with the geological characteristics of the ground, the course of the river Danube from Báziás to its mouth, traffic links, and the military infrastructure. Relief forms on the sheets are depicted using the hypsometric colour scale.
Overview map sheets depicting the military-strategic area of the then Austro-Hungarian-Russian border, with parts of Russia and Romania and the whole Black Sea coast with the Bosporus. Individual map sheets are marked with the geological characteristics of the ground, the course of the river Danube from Báziás to its mouth, traffic links, and the military infrastructure. Relief forms on the sheets are depicted using the hypsometric colour scale.
Overview map sheets depicting the military-strategic area of the then Austro-Hungarian-Russian border, with parts of Russia and Romania and the whole Black Sea coast with the Bosporus. Individual map sheets are marked with the geological characteristics of the ground, the course of the river Danube from Báziás to its mouth, traffic links, and the military infrastructure. Relief forms on the sheets are depicted using the hypsometric colour scale.