Paper, full colour print; 55,5 × 39 cm; scale: 1:200,000;
Donated in 2016
This untitled topographic map sheet depicts the area of central Croatia, from Mount Medvednica and Moslavačka Gora in the north to Zrinska Gora and Petrova Gora in the south. The sheet originates from the large special map of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (‘Spezialkarte der Osterreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie’) made on the basis of the third, or Franz-Josephinian, topographic survey conducted from 1869 to 1887. The resulting map sheets in various scales were published by the Imperial and Royal Military Geographical Institute in Vienna from 1885 to 1914. The map was significant because of the topographic survey on which it was based, during which height differences in the relief were measured and marked on maps for the first time; this is reflected on the topical map as well (e.g. ‘Slieme Geb. 1035’). The map was formerly the property of Ivan Nepomuk Ožegović, grandson of Metel Ožegović, Croatian baron, politician, and revivalist.
This untitled topographic map sheet depicts the area of central Croatia, from Mount Medvednica and Moslavačka Gora in the north to Zrinska Gora and Petrova Gora in the south. The sheet originates from the large special map of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (‘Spezialkarte der Osterreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie’) made on the basis of the third, or Franz-Josephinian, topographic survey conducted from 1869 to 1887. The resulting map sheets in various scales were published by the Imperial and Royal Military Geographical Institute in Vienna from 1885 to 1914. The map was significant because of the topographic survey on which it was based, during which height differences in the relief were measured and marked on maps for the first time; this is reflected on the topical map as well (e.g. ‘Slieme Geb. 1035’). The map was formerly the property of Ivan Nepomuk Ožegović, grandson of Metel Ožegović, Croatian baron, politician, and revivalist.
This untitled topographic map sheet depicts the area of central Croatia, from Mount Medvednica and Moslavačka Gora in the north to Zrinska Gora and Petrova Gora in the south. The sheet originates from the large special map of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (‘Spezialkarte der Osterreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie’) made on the basis of the third, or Franz-Josephinian, topographic survey conducted from 1869 to 1887. The resulting map sheets in various scales were published by the Imperial and Royal Military Geographical Institute in Vienna from 1885 to 1914. The map was significant because of the topographic survey on which it was based, during which height differences in the relief were measured and marked on maps for the first time; this is reflected on the topical map as well (e.g. ‘Slieme Geb. 1035’). The map was formerly the property of Ivan Nepomuk Ožegović, grandson of Metel Ožegović, Croatian baron, politician, and revivalist.