Plan of the City of London

Author: Joseph von Scheda, publisher: Imperial and Royal Military Geographical Institute, Vienna, from 1845 to 1847

Paper on canvas, print; 40 x 49.5 cm; scale: 1:36,000; plan title above centre: ‘LONDON’; key left and right of plan

Inherited from the War Archive and Museum of the ISC


Plan of the city of London depicting the locations of city squares, streets and roads, hospitals, cultural institutions such as libraries, galleries, and theatres, and castles. The upper corners of the plans are adorned with graphic depictions of the new Houses of Parliament building (‘NEW HOUSES OF PARLAMENT.’), the Royal Exchange buildings (‘NEW ROYAL EXCHANGES (BÖRSE)’), and the coat of arms of the United Kingdom with the royal motto ‘DIEU ET MON DROIT’.

Sources / literature: first publication
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