Map of the Ivangorod Fortress on the River Narva

Imperial and Royal Military Geographical Institute, Vienna, 1907

Paper, full colour lithography; 37 × 46 cm; scale: 1:10,000, fortress section: 1:1,000; u. l.: ‘Fortifikatorische Detailbeschreibung von Iwangorod.’; above centre: ‘Noyau / 1:10000.’; u. r.: ‘Beilage 3’; oval stamp: ‘K.u.K. GENERALSTAB / 196 / LANDESBESCHREIBUNGS ARCHIV’; map key with explanations and fortress sections right of map

Inherited from the War Archive and Museum of the ISC


Cartographical depiction of the Ivangorod Fortress—star-shaped, situated on the right bank of the river Narva, along today’s border of Russia and Estonia—with a detailed fortification description and architectural section of the fortress as well as a depiction of the local topography, including the river’s course. The road and railway networks have also been inscribed on the map, with marked river crossings.

Sources / literature: first publication
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