Topographic Map of the Surroundings of Linz

Imperial and Royal Military Geographical Institute, Vienna, 1882

Paper on canvas, print; 51 × 66 cm; scale: 1:75,000; title on reverse of map: ‘UMGEBUNGS-KARTE von LINZ / im Maſsstabe 1: 75.000.’, note: ‘K.k. militär-geografisches Institut. / Vervielfältigung vorbehalten.’; ‘General-Depot: R. Lechner's k.k. Hof-und Universitäts-Buchandlung Wien, Graben 31.’

Inherited from the War Archive and Museum of the ISC


This topographic map consists of four sheets of a special map of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (‘Spezialkarte der Osterreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie’) and depicts the surroundings of the city of Linz.

Sources / literature: first publication
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Croatian History Museum