Plans with Depictions of Battles in Hungary during the Revolution of 1848/1849

Imperial and Royal Military Geographical Institute (?), Vienna, from 1850 to 1900

Paper on canvas, full colour print; 57.5 x 77.5 cm; scale: ca 1:2,634; individual plan titles: ‘SCHLACHT von SZÖREG. / am 5ten August 1849’, ‘SCHLACHT bei KOMORN / am 11ten Juli 1849.’, ‘Einnahme von Raab / am 28ten Juni 1849.’, ‘SCHLACHT von TEMESVAR/ den 9. August 1849.’, ‘SCHLACHT BEI PERED / am 21 Juli 1849.’; u. r.: sheet indications on all maps: ‘Plan I.’, ‘Plan II.’, ‘Plan IV.’, ‘Plan V.’, ‘Plan IV.’; on individual map: smaller supplementary map depicting military units on 5 August 1849; maps contain overviews of military units with explanations

Found in the Museum

HPM/PMH-9565 – HPM/PMH-9566, HPM/PMH-9568, HPM/PMH-10042 – HPM/PMH-10047

Plans depicting the battles and positions of the Austrian, Russian, and Hungarian armies in Hungary during the revolution of 1848/1849, near Raab (today Győr) on 28 June, Komárno on 11 July, Pered (today Tešedíkovo) on 21 July, Szőreg on 5 August, and Temesvár (today Timişoara) on 9 August 1849. Due to the revolutionary events in Europe, which spread to Hungary in 1848, and to rein in the rebel fervour and prevent the further spreading of revolutionary ideas, the government in Vienna appealed for Russian aid. In the mentioned battles, the Austrian and Russian armies decisively defeated the Hungarian army, and the revolution was completely defeated after the Hungarian forces were broken in August 1849.

Sources / literature: Revolucija 1848 – 1849., (19 April 2021)
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Croatian History Museum