Paper, full colour print; 69.5 x 90.5 cm; scale: 1:100,000; l. l.: ‘HIDROMETEOROLOŠKA SLUŽBA SFR JUGOSLAVIJE / FIZIČKA KARTA’, map scale, map key, and hypsometric tint scale
Donated in 2017
Marked on this detailed map of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia are: national borders, socialist republic borders, autonomous province borders, smaller and larger settlements according to population, and the hydrographical network (swamps, rivers, canals, canals under construction).
Marked on this detailed map of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia are: national borders, socialist republic borders, autonomous province borders, smaller and larger settlements according to population, and the hydrographical network (swamps, rivers, canals, canals under construction).
Marked on this detailed map of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia are: national borders, socialist republic borders, autonomous province borders, smaller and larger settlements according to population, and the hydrographical network (swamps, rivers, canals, canals under construction).