Plan of the Bridgehead in the Borgoforte Area (Italy)

Imperial and Royal Military Geographical Institute, Vienna, from 1850 to 1900

Paper on canvas, lithography; 22 x 25 cm; scale: 1:2,880; title along upper edge: ‘PLAN / zur Beschiefsung des Brückenkopfes von / BORGOFORTE’; u. r.: round seal of the 16th Imperial and Royal Varaždin Infantry Regiment: ‘K.K. WARASDINER LFN. INFANT. REGIMENT No. 16 / OFFICIERS / BIBLIOTHEK’

Received from the 16th Imperial and Royal Varaždin Infantry Regiment


Plan of the bridgehead in the Borgoforte commune area in Italy depicting its fortification system. Borgoforte was an important stronghold of the Habsburg Army in the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venice, but was captured by the Italian army during the Third Italian War of Independence.

Izvori / literatura: risorgimento. Hrvatska enciklopedija, mrežno izdanje. Leksikografski zavod Miroslav Krleža, 2020, (9 April 2021)
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